A Dose of Opinion

MrBeast's Revolution on the Youtube Community

September 29, 2020

Imagine just going through a typical day in your life, when all of a sudden, you are greeted by a man and a couple of his friends who are going to give you 10,000 dollars. This sounds too surreal to be true, but this is one of many types of videos that he makes, and his videos, in return, are getting tons of traction. The channel’s subscriber count is currently at 43.8 million subscribers, an amount that most people could only dream of obtaining. MrBeast (Jimmy Donaldson), at his core, is a Youtube philanthropist, who gives away money or items to others in need, but he tries to give them away in an entertaining way, like having people battle for the items. One of his more recent video series included three parts, in which first, MrBeast bought one million dollars worth of lottery tickets, then any profits were made to buy an island, which was toured in the second part. Finally, in the third part, ten of MrBeast’s friends compete in challenges, in which the winner ends up winning the entire island. In another video, he gave his 40 millionth subscribers 40 cars, but he had to give the other cars away to earn a decorated Tesla celebrating MrBeast 40 million subscribers.

MrBeast is a genuine person past the stunts for attention and Youtube revenue; he has taken part in and donated money for many causes, such as Team Trees, in which more than 20 million dollars were raised to plant 20 million trees, and tons of foods and supplies were also donated to shelters and other places in need, in which he spends thousands of dollars on each video. Seeing the reactions of people’s faces when MrBeast changes lives and gives tons of money to people or organizations that help others is priceless, but realistically, there is an actual price tag to his videos. How could he possibly profit from his videos if he is spending thousands and even millions in these videos?

MrBeast is able to consistently get over 20 million views, with his most viewed video gaining about 75 million views, so his videos make money through ad revenue: the advertisements in each video allows MrBeast to make some money, so with millions of views, a positive revenue can be generated. However, this alone is unlikely to pay for the expensive videos that he puts out. In addition, he has sponsors such as Honey that pay lots of money to fund MrBeast’s videos, and as a result, the company sponsoring likely gets tons of generated sales because of how many people watch MrBeast’s videos, so a small percentage would buy the product, which could be a couple hundred thousand people or even more, which would be a huge profit for the companies. Alternatively, he also sells Mr. Beast merchandise; it is expensive, but very high quality, which is obviously what MrBeast strives for: the best of everything just for his fans. In addition, MrBeast has created two other Youtube accounts, such as MrBeast Shorts and MrBeast Gaming. The first channel are short videos (less than a minute) that are just random clips posting whatever they want. MrBeast Gaming is, as seen in the title, a gaming channel, where he also gives away money and does in-game challenges, which is able to reach people from all over the world, who could have the opportunity to join his channel. It is also another source of revenue for him to fund his main channel videos.

The money that MrBeast makes is not actually for himself; it’s actually for his content. As the MrBeast channel continued to grow and gain more viewership, his content just kept getting better and ended up costing more money to create. This is done because he is able to refinance his profits from his various sources into making better videos, such as giving away one million dollars. With better videos over time, he is then able to pull in better views, which then gives his channel more money, and this process repeats over time, funding bigger and bigger projects, with no intents of slowing down, making his Youtube channel one of the fastest growing channels on the platform.

MrBeast and his crew are a very enjoyable group to watch when they post content, which isn’t often, but a decision to click on a MrBeast video is almost instant because the content that is produced is clearly exceptional. The time and effort spent creating these videos and the impact that they make for others has not been unnoticed. MrBeast is a generous person; at some point, he mentioned that he will not have any money in his possession when he dies. This MrBeast revolution has encouraged other Youtubers and even ordinary people to follow his path by doing similar challenges and other charitable actions by giving to those in need, truly making the world a kinder place.