A Dose of Opinion

Mark Rober The Science Guy

December 26, 2020

Many who watch Mark Rober’s uploads are never short of compliments for his videos, with comments exclaiming about how he is the “science teacher everyone wishes they had”. Rober posts videos on his Youtube about once a month, but the quality of his videos outmatch the minimal quantity of content. His background in science to make his results as appealing as possible combined with his personality makes him of great interest to many.

Every experiment that Mark performs always produces jaw-dropping results, such as taking everyday school experiments or cool occurrences to a more extreme level, which leads to lots of views and money to fund future projects. He has also featured some notable celebrities, such as MrBeast and even Bill Gates, which shows his dedication towards his work on Youtube.

However, Rober’s content is different compared to that of an average experiment channel. While most channels might just show the experiment, (which could also possibly be faked) Mark Rober always explains the science behind each experiment. As a former NASA engineer, he has a credible background to explain why certain phenomena occur to produce these cool results. Most of his viewers do not have an advanced science background like he does, so he does a splendid job explaining advanced concepts in “layman’s” terms. Through the use of everyday examples and intricate illustrations, most can understand why certain things work, which is the goal of all of his videos: learning something new in every video.

One of my favorite video series on Mark Rober’s channel is called the “Glitter Bomb vs. Porch Pirates” series. In this series, humans become the test subjects by trying to entice them with what looks like an expensive package in front of the house. If they take the package, not only will the advertised product not be found in the box, but the box is designed to spray fart smells and to release glitter. Mark Rober has made three iterations of the box, with each one being better than before, and most importantly, Rober explains how he engineered each part of the box to treat us with the satisfying video of reactions of the porch pirates.

Mark Rober has also used his influence and engineering skills for humanitarian purposes. One of his more memorable videos was the collaboration with MrBeast to form a movement to plant trees to save our environment. His video eventually led to a TeamTrees, in which MrBeast and Mark Rober led the Youtube community to raise a total of 20 million dollars to plant 20 million trees in places that need it. TeamTrees was a large success, and people can still donate money to support the program.

In a peculiar 2020 year, Mark Rober also has not been able to stick to his normal posting schedule, but his content remains available for everybody to view and learn. For this reason, Mark Rober won the Streamys award for being the best “Learning and Education” related Youtube content in 2019 and 2020. Since views drive profit on the Youtube platform, so most content on Youtube is more likely to be less authentic, with clickbait titles and images to entice people to click on the video. Mark Rober is passionate about what he posts on his channels by uploading quality content because the best videos cannot be created in a day.